Quickly move from event to event?

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This is a code so you can see the same skin on all screens (peers). Each peer gets a skin, in addition to 4 directions t
  • Any hot key combo exist in C2 editor that will quickly jump up/down to next event/function? Such a simple feature that would be such a huuuge time saver. That and a hot key to jump back the last line I edited as well as a key that saves and then runs

  • The cursor keys

    But if you could jump to the last edited line is a nice idea!

  • Very funny

    I'm guessing you realize I meant full jumps up/down to prior/next event block

    What about the Save/Run combo button? Don't like?

  • This was no joke. I don't know, what you need more:

    With the left/right cursor keys you choose the level of the hierarchy

    and then with the up/down cursor keys you can jump between

    the different blocks.

    If this is not what you are asking for, then i really don't understand

    your request, sorry.

  • Sounds like maybe you know a hot key combo I don't? "Choose level of hierarchy" escapes me.

  • a condition is selected? or an action? or even a complete event block?

    press left or right to select either the conditions, actions, or the margin of it to select the entire event.

    then up and down arrows lets you select the next condition/action/event depending on what is selected.

    hard to explain actually..

  • Ok I see. Nah that's still a ton of arrow clicks to get up/down the a big event sheet. Too slow.

    I really loooooove using Sublime Text 3 for my Javascript coding. It has so many ridiculously awesome hot keys you barely even need a mouse. I was wishing for some hot key editing speedups like this in C2 editor. Too much mouse over here click, press 5 keys, mouse more over here click click, press 5 keys, mouse more over here click. It's so inefficient for fast editing.

    Open up ST3, press Ctrl-P and start typing. Yeah, it's effing magic! It's why ST3 is the editor nearly everyone uses for Javascript.

    I suppose I can hit the bed tonight and dream about ST3 like features in Construct 3 editor

  • Ashley Duplicate the Sublime Text Ctrl-P functionality in Construct 3 editor and you not only don't have to give me a discount on C3, I'll pay double for it! No, seriously I will

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  • I haven't used ST3, so unless you describe specific shortcuts with a clear definition of what they do in the context of the C2/C3 editor, I won't know what you want.

  • I haven't used ST3, so unless you describe specific shortcuts with a clear definition of what they do in the context of the C2/C3 editor, I won't know what you want.

    Sorry, Ok I'll try...

    When you hold down the hot key, in ST3 it's Ctrl-P, then start typing, a small window pops open at the top of the editor window that shows search results across all files in your project that match what your typing as you keep typing. The truly awesome part of it, is the fuzzy matching. You don't have to bother with typing spaces or special characters when searching. It finds the characters you type actually across word boundaries. It's highlighting the results as it matches so you just type a few characters, then press enter to instantly jump to any file in the whole project structure.

    I'm not sure if I'm describing this well. I hope I am. It really is kinda like magic. It's the main (among many) reasons ST3 is the dominant Javascript editor today. It's $70 to register and worth every penny.

    I think what could be an even more awesome feature for C2 or C3 would be to do the above, but jump to any event/function definition in any file. With this feature you could jump around your code, anywhere in your code, nearly as fast as the ideas/solutions pop into your head. Can you imagine it?

  • I use this feature a lot in Sublime. Visual Studio also has an equivalent (Ctrl + ,) which brings up a "Navigate To..." window.


  • I use this feature a lot in Sublime. Visual Studio also has an equivalent (Ctrl + ,) which brings up a "Navigate To..." window.


    True, true. I use VS quite a lot at work. I feel the fuzzy matching is much better in ST3. Putting the ST3 Ctrl-P functionality in C2/C3 would make it a truly killer editor.

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