"Shaky" Movement

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  • Problem Description

    When i start to run, my character (and my caracter collider) starts to "shake" for like one second

    Attach a Capx

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/rspziwt25hpur ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    It's my actual game, nothing else

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1: Start to move with arrows
    • Step 2: Use MAJ to run
    • Step 3: Sees that the player is "shaking" a bit at the start

    Observed Result

    Shaky caracter

    Expected Result

    No shaking

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: YES
    • FireFox: (YES
    • Internet Explorer: YES

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 Service pack 1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 178 Steam Version (the problem is not only on the steam version)

  • Ashley

  • I don't know what you mean by "Use MAJ to run". I can't see any events that might relate to that step. I also can't see anything shaking. It changes quickly if you tap the movement keys quickly, but that appears to be the correct playback of animations as you have it set up.

    I'm not sure precisely when you mean by "shaking a bit at the start". At the start of what? Please remember to be exact and thorough in your bug report descriptions.

  • I don't know what you mean by "Use MAJ to run". I can't see any events that might relate to that step. I also can't see anything shaking. It changes quickly if you tap the movement keys quickly, but that appears to be the correct playback of animations as you have it set up.

    I'm not sure precisely when you mean by "shaking a bit at the start". At the start of what? Please remember to be exact and thorough in your bug report descriptions.

    Not sure that helps, but MAJ is the name of the shift key in some countries.

  • Aphrodite - oh, thanks for the tip. But the .capx hasn't got any events using shift (or any keys other than arrow keys) nor does pressing shift in-game do anything. Maybe the wrong .capx got uploaded.

  • Aphrodite - oh, thanks for the tip. But the .capx hasn't got any events using shift (or any keys other than arrow keys) nor does pressing shift in-game do anything. Maybe the wrong .capx got uploaded.

    There was event seets included, check "Player_Action" sheet

  • Trakan

    There is no "Player_Action" Event Sheet in the .capx you have linked to. There is only Event Sheet 1.

  • Really?

    I may had two project open and it exported the wrong one! Sorry, i'll upload the good one tomorrow

  • Here you go Ashley

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  • Trakan - please don't submit full games in bug reports - see the bug report guidelines. This report is already closed so best start a new thread.

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