"Triger once while true" and Layout travels.

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  • Basicly if an event with condition addon "triger once while true" is being run - its being run once. but what if player changes layouts ? does it run again on the other layout or travel unchanged?

    EDIT: to not make another thread and beef my "i_dont_care" post count ill add this question:

    IS it possible to change Layouts from OTHER Layouts? think: i am on level 1 with a switch and there is level 2 with a doors, if i pull the switch on level 1 - will the doors on layout 2 open?

  • What trigger once does is it runs the code the one tick where the condition became true and will only run again if the condition becomes false then true again. Without it the code would run every tick while the condition is true. It does not simply run once period.

    What you want to do for your second question is use global variables. When you change a global variable it'll be changed for the entire program. So for your example have a variable for you door and have it 0 when the door is closed and 1 when it has been opened and it'll stay opened/closed if you change layouts.

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  • What trigger once does is it runs the code the one tick where the condition became true and will only run again if the condition becomes false then true again. Without it the code would run every tick while the condition is true. It does not simply run once period.

    What you want to do for your second question is use global variables. When you change a global variable it'll be changed for the entire program. So for your example have a variable for you door and have it 0 when the door is closed and 1 when it has been opened and it'll stay opened/closed if you change layouts.

    Thank you kindly.

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