[R100 - SOLVED] Platform 6 example

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  • I've noticed that when you run the Platform 6 (slopes and moving platforms) example the blue square moves back and forth slightly (without touching the keyboard), also pressing just jump jumps the blue square in a slight arc instead of straight up.

  • Something I have learned here, a CAPX sometimes talk more than 100 words. Do you have any CAPX to share?

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  • It's the Platform 6 (slopes and moving platforms) example that comes with C2 as stated in the first post.

  • It's fine here. on Win 7 64 C2 r100. Blue square stays in place, and jumps straight up.

  • What browser are you using? I'm using FF 14.0.1.

  • Tested in Chrome 21 and IE 9, unfortunately i don't have/use FF :/

  • Weird, I tested in Chrome and it does stay still as it should (and jumps straight up), then I retested it in FF and it now works perfectly, no jittering. <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I'll post again if I can recreate it.

  • Ok, got it. I added a vertical sine behaviour to the far right platform (changed no other properties) and the jittering came back, the jittering is also in Chrome.

  • Ok, got it. I added a vertical sine behaviour to the far right platform (changed no other properties) and the jittering came back, the jittering is also in Chrome.

    That's why I told you about the CAPX ^^

    I can reproduce it here too, look like you need some conditionals to workaround or report it as bug and may get support.

  • Ok, think I've figured out why and it's not a bug. All the stationary platforms are duplicates of the same sprite and the moving platform is a different sprite, I was adding the sine behavior to the stationary platform (on the right) which meant of course that all the other stationary platforms received the sine behaviour.

    You have to create a separate 'vertical platform sprite' to give the vertical sine behaviour to.

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