[r211] Failed to open any project - DLL error

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  • Problem Description

    After triyng to open any project or start new one I'm getting error message:

    It says that failed to initialize DLL (error 1114)

    Description of Capx

    Works on any CAPX and even new projects.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Menu > new
    • select any option

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 211 (64 bit)

  • I've checked and this error occurs since r210.

  • Does anybody have the same error?

  • Can't reproduce and nobody else is reporting the issue, so it must be a problem specific to your system. Sorry, not sure what we could do about this. Maybe check your graphics drivers are up to date? The "File - New" or "Open project" steps are the moment the editor first creates an OpenGL view, which is where most buggy graphics drivers then throw an error.

  • I have the same error.

    just upgraded my old laptop to windows 10, installed construct 2 and got the same. (and my graphic driver are up to date)

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  • Moredeth

    I have the same error.

    just upgraded my old laptop to windows 10, installed construct 2 and got the same. (and my graphic driver are up to date)

    This is a closed bug report. If you think you have an actual bug then you should make a new post following all of the guidelines.

    Regardless, I reckon your problem is with your system rather than C2. Drivers for Win 10 are hardly upto date, and the OS itself can hardly be called stable. I know of dozens of people who have uninstalled Win 10 already, but each to their own.

  • That is weird, it did work for a week on win 10, until update r212, which now fails constantly.

  • Sorry to post on closed bug thread, but i actually managed to fix this on my Windows 10 64bit laptop computer.

    If you have changeable graphics on your computer ( I have hd4000 and Radeon m7000hd series graphics cards), make sure it doesn't use the default hd4000 or what ever you may have. Force it to use (in my case) Radeon card.

    If that doesn't help, heres something to try:

    • Run Command Prompt as Administrator.
    • Inside the command prompt window, type sfc /scannow then press the enter key.
    • Wait for the process to complete to 100%

    Again sorry for this post, but didn't want to make new thread, because it's really not C2 bug. And my system is fixed now.

  • If you have changeable graphics on your computer ( I have hd4000 and Radeon m7000hd series graphics cards), make sure it doesn't use the default hd4000 or what ever you may have. Force it to use (in my case) Radeon card.

    Thanks for advices. Where in Windows 10 do you change this?

  • > If you have changeable graphics on your computer ( I have hd4000 and Radeon m7000hd series graphics cards), make sure it doesn't use the default hd4000 or what ever you may have. Force it to use (in my case) Radeon card.


    Thanks for advices. Where in Windows 10 do you change this?

    Right click anywhere on the desktop and select "changeable graphics", it was second from top.

    There you can add construct2's EXE-file (mine is in "program files/scirra") to the list and set it to "high performance" or something similar, I have it in Finnish, so don't know exact term in English.

    Hope this helps.

  • Jabadoo, I don't know how you found that one, but you aced it! Thank you very much!

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