Random Layout

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  • Hi people :), i have a problem with my game...

    Well i'm making a game of calculations and well,

    My first layout is the index of the game, when i click on play: I make an event on system to "go to layout" sum.

    I want to make 20 layouts of sums for example. 20 of subtraction and 20 of multiplication and randomly in getting each of them.

    Each game has 1 layout of sum, 1 layout of subtraction and 1 layout of multiplication.

    For example:

    Index -> Go to sum 13 : correct answer -> Go to subtraction 26 : correct answer -> Go to multiplication 3 : correct answer -> Go to win layout and show score.

    My first though is use the system event "go layout by name" and named the layouts of sums with: sum1, sum2, ... sumN and use the event with a concat sum+random(1,30). But we don't have a concat operator... Someone knows an idea for do that?

    PD: Sorry about my english :/.

  • Try variable= this go to this

    variable = that go to that

    A lot of extra events, but at least its doable.

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  • Try variable= this go to this

    variable = that go to that

    A lot of extra events, but at least its doable.

    Sorry i dont understand what are u saying :(

    Try with variable but how? :/

  • Have the index have a global variable

    When you click on play, have that assign a random value 1-30 to that global varible

    if that global varible equals 1 go to layout1

    if that global varible equals 2 go to layout2

    that would be logically clear, even if it requires 30 conditions...

  • Have the index have a global variable

    When you click on play, have that assign a random value 1-30 to that global varible

    if that global varible equals 1 go to layout1

    if that global varible equals 2 go to layout2

    that would be logically clear, even if it requires 30 conditions...

    Ty, i understand :).

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