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  • Hi,

    Im designing graphics for my demo game, and i thought that 1280x720 would be an up to date solution. However i remeber running my ORL in 1024x768 and it was laggin on my laptop ( centrino duo 1.8ghz, 2 gb ram, geforce7500 go 256 dedicated ram, win xp) and i'm a bit afraid that 1280x720 might not run smoothly on my equipment, and so on other people machines. Another idea is to run it on 720x480 but than the quality obviuesly will by way lower. Loads of people these days has got 16:9 hd tely they can plug their pc to. Game i'm making is kind of console style and hopfuly to be played wth joypad ( realase the plugin! ), to get this console vibe, it would be cool to have it looking good on tely screen but at the same time i would want to hit wider audiance. Any recomendatuions?


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  • why not make it resizable?

  • I'd advise against going over 1024x1024 since the runtime requires temporary textures the size of the window and some video cards will create a 2048x2048 surface for anything bigger.

  • Thanks guys. If i would have two options: 720 and 480, and have high and low res textures preapred, would it be hard to scale the map so it will not be affected by the resolution change(i'm makieng zelda style demo)?

    Edit: Just find out Cons doesn't support 720x480 fullscreen :/ y?

  • As far as I know Construct can set fullscreen at any resolution. Maybe your monitor doesn't support 720x480.

  • Just do 800x600. Any monitor will support it.

  • My screen is 16:9 so it should do 480. Anyways , tahnks.

  • You won't miss if you just make it windowed. It is pretty much a must nowadays, that with huge monitors and different ratios.

  • It is pretty much a must nowadays, that with huge monitors and different ratios.

    You mean windowed?

    edit@ What worries me is that with 800x600 displaing on hd tely, picture might be stretched.

  • 16:9, 1280x720 ratio is a growing (yet annoying) trend. Braid does it. Bionic Commando Rearmed does it. Guess 4:3 is looked on as an obsolete ratio even though I love that and try to survive all of my old CRTs for as long as they possibly can live.

    Just do 800x600. Any monitor will support it.

    WRONG. My IBM PS/2 monitor doesn't support it!

  • My screen is setted up to 1280x800 res. And now i'm finding this weird that 16:9 is are both 1280x720 and 1280x800 reses.

  • I'd advise against going over 1024x1024 since the runtime requires temporary textures the size of the window and some video cards will create a 2048x2048 surface for anything bigger.

    really? so it'll kill the speed at 1920x1200?

  • edit@ What worries me is that with 800x600 displaing on hd tely, picture might be stretched.

    Change the resizing mode in properties to "Show more window content." Then it won't stretch.

    And if you want to maintain the game's aspect ratio on different monitors at fullscreen, you can fake it with black bars.

  • > I'd advise against going over 1024x1024 since the runtime requires temporary textures the size of the window and some video cards will create a 2048x2048 surface for anything bigger.


    really? so it'll kill the speed at 1920x1200?

    It'll just use a lot more VRAM, that alone won't slow it down. But I imagine rendering a lot of objects at that high a resolution could be slow anyway, since you're simply pushing so many pixels to the screen.

  • Lol I have 1280X1024 5:4 ratio

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