RTS Pathfinding

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Units do not overlap each other and use different ways if there are several free ways.
  • I started a project a few months ago and decided I wanted to make an RTS. The problem I'm having here is the pathfinding, I can't seem to get my units to NOT overlap each other, is there a way to make them go around or near the waypoint if its blocked?

    I've recently got back into developing it and still need to figure out this problem :/

  • This problem is well known, and there is no public solution for c2 at the moment I have seen.

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  • I started a project a few months ago and decided I wanted to make an RTS. The problem I'm having here is the pathfinding, I can't seem to get my units to NOT overlap each other, is there a way to make them go around or near the waypoint if its blocked?

    I've recently got back into developing it and still need to figure out this problem :/

    You could pin an invisible sprite thathe goes around the objectsame then set if sprite is overlapping/on collisions with sprite move objects right then back to path finding. or object in collision with another object move right then back to path.

  • I've already had a working solution with 2 objects.

    But if there are more (infinite instances), I could not figure out picking the right object instances in c2. With the IID's only, it is not easy choose which one of the "colliders" should react somehow if a collision is recognized - for example simply stop pathwalking, and continue when the "other" instance is outside of the collision range again.

    Maybe someone here has an idea of creating such an event.

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