Scirra staff read this!

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  • 7 posts
  • Me and my team mate want to thank you for this AWESOME engine, it really made our dream project come true! We want that all people know about Construct 2, and when our project will be released we'll strive to spread the word even more! This is our project, DinoSystem:

    Again, THANK YOU so much for your great product,

    Giulio & Daniel

  • Wow that looks AMAZING!!!

    what a brilliant game idea...

    I love the Desertification

    I am so impressed

    Wish you would write a tutorial on how you did that..its brilliant

    Bravo!!!....Great concept

    Awesome visuals and music

    well done...

    cant wait for the full game

    looks great

    Thanks so much for sharing that..Highly recommended

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Danwood I really like your grass and tree sprites. How did you make them? I need some Tree and Grass assets for my game and I have no idea how to get them to look realistic like yours.

  • Danwood I really like your grass and tree sprites. How did you make them? I need some Tree and Grass assets for my game and I have no idea how to get them to look realistic like yours.

    If by grass you mean the ferns, i made them with Gimp, if you mean the grass terrain, i started from a photo and heavility modified it with Gimp. The tree texture are brought from Dosh (popular site selling assets) and modified to match the game

  • Wow that looks AMAZING!!!

    what a brilliant game idea...

    I love the Desertification

    I am so impressed

    Wish you would write a tutorial on how you did that..its brilliant

    Bravo!!!....Great concept

    Awesome visuals and music

    well done...

    cant wait for the full game

    looks great

    Thanks so much for sharing that..Highly recommended

    Thanks man! Check your email!

  • Danwood ,

    This is great work indeed! I am particularly impressed with how well different elements blend together to form the visuals. Like the grass and the dirt, the mirage effect of the heat, the shadows from the clouds, the sun reflection on the ponds, the rain... And this is only the visual part. I can't begin to imagine how you put together so complicated interactions!


  • Danwood ,

    This is great work indeed! I am particularly impressed with how well different elements blend together to form the visuals. Like the grass and the dirt, the mirage effect of the heat, the shadows from the clouds, the sun reflection on the ponds, the rain... And this is only the visual part. I can't begin to imagine how you put together so complicated interactions!


    Thanks a lot

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