Self Website Hosting Question

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  • I want to make a website for my production studio but I am cheap and don't want to pay for website hosting and I have heard that you can do it you self. I was wondering how exactly would I do This and are there any cons to doing it your self rather than paying for a remote server.

  • Dont run a server on your home PC type thing, your connection will be too slow and you'll have to leave your PC on 24/7. Check out your ISP. Last I checked, most of them give you free webspace - you could easily host a static HTML/images type site on that, and usually its unlimited bandwidth. Some even can run php/asp or provide forum packages etc.

  • there are so many cons, its just not economically a good idea. Theres tonnes of free ISPs anyway.

  • Yeah doing it yourself's a bad idea. The ISP route's probably the best if they offer it, otherwise there's tons of free or very cheap hosts.

  • I want to make a website for my production studio but I am cheap and don't want to pay for website hosting and I have heard that you can do it you self. I was wondering how exactly would I do This and are there any cons to doing it your self rather than paying for a remote server.

    Who IS your ISP. I know mine offers free webspace and I also know (think I don't remember if it's you) you live in the same state so there's a chance we have the same ISP.

  • Yeah, hosting your own site is a bad idea. It will eat up your bandwidth, and your really open to attacks.

    Plus your isp may have issues with it, unless they can provide something as mentioned.

    Free hosts on the other hand is a pain as well, the best I've found is , no mysql, but lots of bandwidth, storage, and php works well.

  • I know its bad to open up a computer like that but i have some extras around from a project I did last year that I could aford to put up like that but the bandwidth thing for got about that...

    My ISP is verizon So if anyone knows if they have the ISP website hosting for free through them then let me know...

    Thanks for the feedback.

  • They do infact have free webhosting. I've tinkered with their service before.

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  • how do you access the service?

    100th post!

  • Your ISP wont allow you to use your home bandwidth for commercial purposes. Also you upstream will be terrible. Depending on what you want depends the cost, static stuff stick to ISP space, if you want something more professional (so you can set DNS up properly, run scripts etc) it depends, ranging from $30 a year to $10 a month.

    I pay around $15 a month for a medium traffic website and it serves well.

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