Sharing C2 Games without the Internet?

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In this template the music plays without looping in your game
  • I am looking for a simple way to distribute C2 games without using the the Internet?...say on a pen drive or cd/dvd.

    I did a bit of research and came up with the following solutions:

    1, An exe. that triggers the index.html

    2, A bat. that triggers the index.html

    3, A cmd that triggers the index.html

    These methods will start the game without the user having to open the game folder and search for the the index.html file.


    Click on play1, play2 or play3 to start the game.

    Are there any other methods i could use ?

  • You could create a shortcut to the index file, and place it outside the folder.

  • You could create a shortcut to the index file, and place it outside the folder.

    How would you include this on a CD OR DVD ?

  • Not sure about those, but installers often have that option.

  • Yeh also Autorun on a CD can be used, there's actually some FREE CD MENU creating stuff around on the net, to create menu's and launch HTML from CD/DVD etc i've used it before in the past. try a google for it.

  • C2 itself (r60) runs a web page right in start-up (Start Page).

    But if you really want to get snazzy then download the source code for firefox and hard code the export files of your html5 app right into it. Kind of like a personalized web browser that only opens to your game. You can then leave it as a normal operating browser or delete the dialog boxes for the web address, change the buttons, graphics, etc to mimic your game. Sky's the limit.

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  • C2 itself (r60) runs a web page right in start-up (Start Page).

    But if you really want to get snazzy then download the source code for firefox and hard code the export files of your html5 app right into it. Kind of like a personalized web browser that only opens to your game. You can then leave it as a normal operating browser or delete the dialog boxes for the web address, change the buttons, graphics, etc to mimic your game. Sky's the limit.

    Tried that with Prism and WebRunner, but they dont work in Firefox7

    The standalone Prism App works but when you convert a C2 Game it is too slow.

  • Prism was a tad slow on the load screen. But once it was past that it was just as quick as IE9.

    But it doesn't actually seem to create a desktop app. More seems to operate as an offline browser, storing the webpage files in a temp folder, then loads the offline content in a mini-browser like Opera mini with a shortcut directing to it.

  • I think for anything like this to be feasible there would have to be a preconfigured mini apache server operating behind the scenes.

  • Prism was a tad slow on the load screen. But once it was past that it was just as quick as IE9.

    But it doesn't actually seem to create a desktop app. More seems to operate as an offline browser, storing the webpage files in a temp folder, then loads the offline content in a mini-browser like Opera mini with a shortcut directing to it.

    Checkout these guides 'Packaging WebRunner Applications'


  • Check this out:


  • You could beg and plead for someone to finish the html object in CC so it could be used that way.

    <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • You could beg and plead for someone to finish the html object in CC so it could be used that way.

    <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I didn't even know CC had one!

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