[Solved] How do I knock an object down while pushing it?

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  • Hey everyone, I'm new to C2 and I tried to look for the answer (maybe in the wrong way) for my question on the forum but couldn't find it , so I'm sorry if it already exists something similar.

    I have a character A, who is controlled by AI. It has to knock a tree down to hit character B. I tried physics but didn't succeed

    Any help?

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  • You can do it a few ways. If you don't want to use physics you can make a tree falling animation and play it when your player A collides with the tree.

    OR you can set all your players and the tree and ground to physics and you will need to use physics for all objects the player interacts with.

    I would go with option A for a new designer. Physics has other uses you will learn as you go along.

  • You can do it a few ways. If you don't want to use physics you can make a tree falling animation and play it when your player A collides with the tree.

    OR you can set all your players and the tree and ground to physics and you will need to use physics for all objects the player interacts with.

    I would go with option A for a new designer. Physics has other uses you will learn as you go along.

    Cool! Thanks!

    Option A seems to be the best. Thanks for your help!

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