[suggestion] Animation List in Set Animation

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From the Asset Store
Template for scrollable list, fully documented in comment and video
  • I am absolutely loving Construct 2 so far, and just have a minor suggestion. Given how many other places you are able to select from a list of things, it seems odd that the Set Animation action makes you enter the animation name in quotes, instead of choosing from the list of animations in the selected object. Not earth shattering, but it would be an improvement to select from a list, especially if you have a lot of named animations.

  • Not sure about origin of that decision, when Ashley implement animations, but i've always assumed it's design that way in specific purpous - to let you combine different things to set animation name.

    For example:

    Sprite: set animation to "weapon_" &loopindex


    Sprite: set animation to global_var


    Which is extremely useful.

    You would not be able to do that with lists.

    btw. Ashley would it be possible to add AnimationNameCount (or AnimationCount, or whatever)?

  • It would work with a combo box that allowed the list plus user created entries to support the variable options...

  • Combo boxes could be interesting indeed for some of C2 items!

  • I found this post looking for help on just what you all are talking about. The manual is not very clear on this action either, It needs to list an example or spell it out better.

    However I agree it would be nice for CS2 to prompt me as to the available animations for the chosen object. Not only in event editor but also in properties when setting initial animation other than Default!

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  • +1

    this makes it faster to find animation names

  • Unless Ashley adds "Use expression" to the drop-down lists (like in CC) this will never be added. As shinkan pointed out, the current method is far more versatile.

  • I see there still has not been any progress on this. I understand needing the flexibility to be able to specify a name, but why could it not also allow you to pick from a list of available animations in the targeted object? It seems like both could be accommodated in the same dialog and would make it much easier when you have a lot of objects with animations.

  • There are a few things that need tiny little tweaks and adjustments on C2. Scirra is a 2 man team, so this may be something added down the road, or not. Don't sweat it too much.

  • I try to use easy to remember animation names for everything, but it would be handy having a list pop up in the event sheet that showed the available animation names just for reference on the screen somewhere.

  • There are a few things that need tiny little tweaks and adjustments on C2. Scirra is a 2 man team, so this may be something added down the road, or not. Don't sweat it too much.

    I know they are a small and an absolutely incredible team. I'm not worried about it - I just was basically responding to earlier posts that said it could never, ever be added because of various reasons. It's not a dealbreaker at all, it would just be nice to have, but is certainly low down on priorities.

  • I'd like to name my animations simple numbers, such as 1, 2, 3, etc so that I can use them with variables.

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