[Suggestion] Swapping Objects in Event Sheets

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  • Hi.

    Just a suggestion here, it would be great if you could swap objects within code a bit more easily. At the moment if I want to replace an event for Man1, I have to basically create a new event for Man2. It would be great if I could just drag Man2's icon onto where it says Man1 in the code and it would replace it (That used to happen in a similar game editor called The Games Factory/Multimedia Fusion).

    Maybe you could do a kind of basic check to make sure the objects are of the same type, so that they would both contain the exact same choices?

    Thank you.

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  • Not too sure how that would work since the workspace is either occupied by the layout or the event editor. You could pull from the object list, but you have no way to grab what that particular event was referring to, IE .x,.y, variables, etc.

    What would be nice is how the events would remember the specifics when you did the backspace trick in CC.

  • in CC you could double click on the icon of an object involved in an expression and you would get a window with a list of same all the objecttype of the same plugin to replace it. (Too bad you couldn't do the same for action or condition)

  • Yann, yes. That's exactly what I think too.

    You know how when you choose to spawn an object, and it gives you a choice of possible objects? It could be like that.

  • well I leave the details to those who handle them :D

  • Something like this is already on the todo list, we've just been busy!

  • Sorry! :)

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