Sync Object over Mobile Networks or behind a UDP firewall

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  • Problem Description

    As i understood, under the hood construct tries to sync objects with only UDP if i use "sync object" function. But this creates a huge problem for mobile games. Most mobile service providers blocked UDP connection over their 3g/4g networks, so no objects get synced. I also understand TCP has its flaws(throttling connection if package drops etc) but i think there should be an option for TCP sync.

    Sample capx and APK and link



    Over WIFI


    Over 3G


    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Make any game with object sync.
    • Try to play it over mobile networks.

    Observed Result

    While game opens, players get connected, objects are not synced. So peers won't get created neither on host or client.

    Expected Result

    Automatically switch to TCP if UDP packages are blocked or an option to sync over TCP.

    Affected Browsers

    Browser independent. If there is a firewall that blocks UDP, games become unplayable.

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Construct 2 Version ID


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  • .... Most mobile service providers blocked UDP connection over their 3g/4g networks.....

    First time I hear of it.

    Did you base that on the one result on stack overflow ? perhaps read the following posts

    Affected Browsers

    Browser independent. If there is a firewall that blocks UDP, games become unplayable.

    This is basically a firewall issue.

    If I pull my internet plug, it will not work either :\</p>

  • First time I hear of it.

    Did you base that on the one result on stack overflow ? perhaps read the following posts

    Nope, it's based on my experience with Vodafone. I can test my games on wifi without problem, but if i switch to mobile network, joined players are not created on peers anymore.

    This is basically a firewall issue.

    If I pull my internet plug, it will not work either :>

    Well yeah i can understand but the problem is i am not the one who is pulling the plug, all the network providers are. So simply put this is a relevant question. And also i am going to upload a small capx and apk, so if you are using Android i would like to see your experience too.

    Also, being able to sync objects position angle etc RELIABLY should be an option anyway.

  • I've updated my main post, the link is alive but APK is probably too large to upload ~18MB, edit page reloads automatically file gets lost every time. But you can build it the capx, results shouldn't be different.

  • Closing as not a C2 bug, this is to do with WebRTC peer-to-peer connections and the network configuration. I have tested and successfully gotten the WebRTC example apps to work over 3/3.5G, but it depends on the network, and each carrier's network will be different. I really doubt they are blocking UDP entirely, since that is commonly used for better video and audio streaming performance. I'd guess however that if you try to host a game on cell data then it is blocked, because your carrier does not want (or explicitly forbids in their TOS) running servers over cell data, presumably to avoid over-burdening their network.

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