The internet... serious business

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  • Sad really, PHBB forum the people that made this forums software is down from a vulnerability attack.

    Just thought you'd like to know....

  • Seriously, anyone involved in hacking or attacking seriously needs to get a life. There's so many better things I can think of to do than that.

  • Yeah I know, I went there looking for information, thinking I might use phbb, I'm like omg wtf.

  • Seriously, anyone involved in hacking or attacking seriously needs to get a life. There's so many better things I can think of to do than that.

    eah, they definitely need to get a life. Virus makers for example, what the hell do they get out of it? Penalties for stuff like that should be a lot worse than they are, when they do manage to catch the arseholes.

  • Why do people spray graffiti over walls?

    Expressing themselves. The same with virus makers, hackers, graveyard and streetlight vandalizers.

  • Why do people spray graffiti over walls?

    Expressing themselves. The same with virus makers, hackers, graveyard and streetlight vandalizers.

    Assholes should be banned from expressing thier bullshit, since nobody else wants to hear/see it.

    Stuff like graffiti is cool as long as it's not used in a vandalizing manner... but anything that damages and/or causes harm to someone or someone's property is childish and makes me want to kick some nuts.


  • I'll never understand the thrill behind it. You don't get any money out of it, you don't learn anything worthwhile, you can't make a living out of it and you can get your ass ripped apart in court if you're getting caught.

    If there'd be any practical reason to spend your time with hacking and writing a virus, I'd understand it, but there's no reward at all. Except that it probably turns you into an asshole. But anyway.

  • i don't like them too but i don't agree with that

    I'll never understand the thrill behind it. You don't get any money out of it, you don't learn anything worthwhile, you can't make a living out of it and you can get your ass ripped apart in court if you're getting caught.
    If there'd be any practical reason to spend your time with hacking and writing a virus, I'd understand it, but there's no reward at all. Except that it probably turns you into an asshole. But anyway.[/code:jxhpuglt]
    don't know now but in the past some people doing that kind of stuff was offered a job by some corporations, like even our famous and lovely windows makers and some of them were sent to jail 'couse they were not good enough.
    best example -> Kevin Mitnick...that guy have tough life after they cought him...and now? he's one of the best and well paid security experts.
    so i think stupid kids doing this hacking stuff thinks the same: "I will make best virus ever and i'm gonna be rich!!! yeah baby give me some sugar."
  • [quote:3d2hlh0f]so i think stupid kids doing this hacking stuff thinks the same: "I will make best virus ever and i'm gonna be rich!!! yeah baby give me some sugar."

    Yeah they have a name for that.... terrorism

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  • i don't think we could call them terrorism. hackers broke computers, not humans. People can live without computer. If they make a virus that will melt your brain then i start call them terrorists and for now their are just pathetic loosers with no life.

  • ....and makes me want to kick some nuts.


    yes. same here. those cashews wont know what hit em.

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