Thinking of Buying License

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  • I am a game developer for Scirra's Arcade. I have made 3 games for them so far and I want to program bigger and more dynamic games. Which version should I get and why? I am not necessarily thinking of making a HUGE profit off of games. Just that I want to get a feel for game design.

    Note: I have very little money because I am still a very small kid <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Please help me...

  • If you're ready to move on from the free version, you would want the Standard Licence; if you look at the comparison of the different versions on the purchasing page you'll notice that the Standard and Business licences have exactly the same features -- you only need the business licence rather than the standard if you have made more than $5000 with your Construct projects, at which point you can easily afford to upgrade.

    If you're still young, you should probably discuss the purchase with your parents, and show them the purchasing page with the comparison of the products as well as some of the cool games you've already been able to make.

    Hope that helps! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Thank you! I will be sure to take your advise

  • Well, you can also take part in the compos for a chance of winning a license. There's one in Reddit and another with HBGames.

  • StephenC : before buying the next version, did you already sold some creation made with C2 ? You know, the important thing is the marketing, not the "complexity" of the game.

  • Yes, I know but I am still very limited with the free version

  • Yes, I know but I am still very limited with the free version

    Really, ask your parents to buy it for you. It will be pocket change for them, and it will be a lot more fun than most things you probably want for your birthday (besides, the knowledge you gain now will never be lost). I remember having loads of fun with game makers when I was a kid - the experience I gained and the fun I had outlasted all of my toys, books, clothes and parties.

  • Just show your parents the games you've made, and maybe explain them how they were done (by showing them the event sheet and layout in C2), and there's a pretty good chance they'll fork over the money.

    It's basically the same method I used almost thirty years ago when I wanted my grandparents to buy programming books and source code magazines for me. ;) Time-proven approach: Parents and grandparents buy stuff when they feel it benefits the education and skill set of their off-springs. It's just a matter of how you present it.

  • Thanks. If they worked for you guys, they can work for me <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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