This makes me feel stupid - Families

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  • Okay, the problem is that I have a collision check against a bullet and a family(whose members are the enemies)..The problem is I can't seem to pick that specific object in the event itself.

    > Bullet OnCollision(Mafia)

    CallFunction(BloodAnim) <-- this works

    Mafia.Value('life') -= 1 // doesn't work. it doesn't do anything not even subtract from all the members of the family.. it just does NOTHING.

    BulletDestory <-- this works as well

    Okay so I tried the advanced collision:

    Advanced COllision (Bulle, Mafia) <-- both set to 'pick'

    CallFunction(BloodAnim) <-- this works

    Mafia.Value('life') -= 1 // nothing!

    BulletDestory <-- this works as well


    I wonder how to get around this? I can't find myself checking against all type of enemy objects for collision.

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