Update for Kongregate Plugin?

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  • So Kongregate just got this new Video API which you can read about here:

    http://developers.kongregate.com/docs/k ... tising-api

    Which might enables all Kongregate games to earn a lot more. But in order to get it - we need it implemented into C2 dated Kongregate plugin.

    Ashley Tom ? Any ETA?

  • I would much prefer for Kongregate to develop and publish their own C2 plugin, since there are hundreds of third-party services out there, it's a constant burden trying to maintain them, and it's not our API/service (they obviously know their own platform better). Our plugin was developed a few years ago when we were just trying to get off the ground and offer some extra options to developers. I'd encourage you to go to Kongregate about further support.

  • I would much prefer for Kongregate to develop and publish their own C2 plugin, since there are hundreds of third-party services out there, it's a constant burden trying to maintain them, and it's not our API/service (they obviously know their own platform better). Our plugin was developed a few years ago when we were just trying to get off the ground and offer some extra options to developers. I'd encourage you to go to Kongregate about further support.

    Yes but:

    1. Kong is by far the biggest and most profitable one of them all.

    2. They might know their platform but do not know you.

    3. Kongregate is a moloch of portal. Asking them to make the plug is like telling Microsoft it is THEY who should adjust to YOU.

    4. out of those "hundreds" - there are only 3 that matters in case of browser games: Kongregate, Newgrounds and Gamejolt. In that order. Kongregate plugin was made by you, Newgrounds was made but never finished by a user who never comes here anymore, Gamejolt plug was made by GJ staff and is mostly maintained by them.

    5. You do not have to re-invent the wheel. Just add the Video API to already existing plugin.

    6. Burden or not - it is part of the deal. The most native platform for C2-made games are browsers, and you cannot develop games to browsers without trying your luck on Kongregate.

  • Well it would add to the value of C2, but in that respect if it were redone by Scirra to include the video api, then it should be only available in the paid version of C2.

    It clearly falls under their licensing, of which no one has made a commotion about profit from ads already available on Gamejolt, or Newgrounds, or Kongregate.

  • We have to balance requests like this with literally hundreds of other requests (many of them "just little things you could do easily, right?" - usually a big underestimation ), plus Construct 3 development, plus regular bug fixes and maintenance on Construct 2, plus all the other details of the day-to-day running of Scirra. Maybe we could do it, but you could end up waiting a long time. On the other hand if Kongregate were developing their own plugin they could update it right away. So I think it would work better for everyone that way.

  • Alrighty. I give up. I officialy give up. W/e. But don't act suprised when less and less people will take you seriously.

    You reap what you sow.

  • "You reap what you sow."

    That goes both ways, you can always make one, or have one commissioned.

  • "You reap what you sow."

    That goes both ways, you can always make one, or have one commissioned.

    It was never part of the deal. I don't owe Scirra anything. And it's not me who is running a business here. Mark my words.

    Also, when I've asked around the web, about the Kong plugin updating:

    Guess I'll follow their lead.

  • Toodles.

  • I agree with Ashley, just put a request of 3rd part plugin for this special purpose.

    Everyone always thinks his requests are important for all users, including me.

  • I was actually really hoping the new API could be implemented. C2 is a web game development platform first and foremost. This would help users publish on the very platform C2 is built around. The publishing-related plugins available are the only reason Construct 2 is useful more than Unreal Engine 4. Otherwise, that's a high profile engine that is significantly more useful.

    Can't say I'm surprised in the end.

  • I was actually really hoping the new API could be implemented. C2 is a web game development platform first and foremost. This would help users publish on the very platform C2 is built around. The publishing-related plugins available are the only reason Construct 2 is useful more than Unreal Engine 4. Otherwise, that's a high profile engine that is significantly more useful.

    Can't say I'm surprised in the end.

    So after some time and testing... A friend of my who is making HTML5 games and posting them on Kong - is making 3 times more money. With the new API and ads. Meanwhile - we're stuck with 3-4 years old API in C2 and make 1/3 of the possible profits :\</p>

  • So after some time and testing... A friend of my who is making HTML5 games and posting them on Kong - is making 3 times more money. With the new API and ads. Meanwhile - we're stuck with 3-4 years old API in C2 and make 1/3 of the possible profits :>

    IMHO the official plugins should be regularly updated with the newest APIs. Since, I also plan on making some games for Kongregate, I +1 this.

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  • Same opinion here, if an official plugin is done for a service like kongregate it should either be maintained or deprecated after a while.

  • Aphrodite that's a good point, and I think Ashley and crew need to make a decision, and then update their Construct 2 information page: https://www.scirra.com/construct2

    It specifies Kongregate as a viable publishing outlet for Construct 2, but that is only true by definition, not by value. Deprecate or bust.

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