Using Python?

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  • I'm trying to take a video clip and put it into one of my layouts, but I want to get rid of that timeline bar. So, it appears Python is my best option.

    My questions are:

    *What version of Python is compatible with Construct 0.99.62?

    *Is there a guide for installing Python into Construct?

    *Is there any code examples available in any Python resources that will show me how to code video into Construct?

  • I think you posted on this thread about this:

    Also, it would help to know what type of video file you are trying to play. Not all Python libraries support the same codecs. But to answer your questions:

    *What version of Python is compatible with Construct 0.99.62?

    None. .99.62 has broken Python support. ... _Scripting

    From the wiki: you need at least .99.84 to have correct Python support. Although, I would recommend the latest version as I think it fixes a few more Python integration bugs.

    The version of Python to use is the 2.6 Python version listed in the Python Quickguide on the wiki.

    *Is there a guide for installing Python into Construct?

    See tutorials on wiki about using Python external libraries.

    *Is there any code examples available in any Python resources that will show me how to code >>>video into Construct?

    You will probably have to use Pygame or Pymedia and there are several examples on those sites with sample Python code. It is not the simplest task though as you need to overlay a Pygame (or other libraries) window over a Construct window. I don't think anyone has tried it yet.

    Good luck!

  • I use .avi's.

    Thanks for the info. I guess it's a no-go for me though. Since I've built too much of the project in .62 and i'm trying to meet a deadline, I would never be able to go back and start over now. Darn. I wish there were another way to get rid of the timeline bar.

  • I use .avi's.

    Thanks for the info. I guess it's a no-go for me though. Since I've built too much of the project in .62 and i'm trying to meet a deadline, I would never be able to go back and start over now. Darn. I wish there were another way to get rid of the timeline bar.

    your project doesn't open up in the newest version?

  • It opens but it doesn't work properly. I immediately notice that the 360 controller commands I've set don't respond in some situations in newer versions where it does in .62.

    As far as I know, there has been some updating to the 360 controller object since .62, and that may explain why the commands made in .62 aren't responding in newer versions.

  • It opens but it doesn't work properly. I immediately notice that the 360 controller commands I've set don't respond in some situations in newer versions where it does in .62.

    As far as I know, there has been some updating to the 360 controller object since .62, and that may explain why the commands made in .62 aren't responding in newer versions.

    Huh. I stopped working on 2 projects when the 360 controller object stop working normal but as of this new update (.99.91) and the previous one all is back to normal. In fact I did not even need to code the controller using either the car or 8 direction behavior.

    Want to upload a sample of the 360 controller object not working please?

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  • Hey Guyon,

    I should've mentioned this before... but my post that was in reference to .84 having trouble. My control commands work fine on .62, but on .84 in some layouts it's dead when I open the same project. I haven't downloaded any newer versions beyond .84. Sorry for the confusion there.

  • I haven't downloaded any newer versions beyond .84

    You should definitely try the latest version then... if not for stuff like the Else bug fix. It is quite a bit better than .84. .

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