Weather/Time changing game

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An educational game for Times Table. An easy to use template for developers to build larger games
  • Hello!

    I was about to start work on a game where the player waits for the weather to change (or controls it). Essentially you start on a scene and you can adjust the weather to sun/night/snow/wind etc. I was trying to work out how much control the player should have over it. Do users like waiting? i.e. every 20 seconds the weather changes on rotation and the puzzles are timed. Or should the user have God-like control and have weather options? Still deciding on this. The idea is that you have a scene and you can pick up items, adjust things based on the weather e.g. as a random example, a caveman could be frozen when its winter and then is thawed out and moving when its sunny so you can use him. There might not even be a requirement for a character, it could just be point and click. Any ideas/feedback you have would be most helpful : D

  • You would use Rexrainbow's Date plugin, it offers everything about the time you could make 4 seasons.

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  • Joannesalfa

    That could work if it was for realtime weather stuff happening outside of the app but I wasn't looking to do anything like that really. Not that kind of waiting! I could just use timers if it was on rotation of weather but I'm still not sure if even that short time of waiting is too much for players.

  • Joannesalfa

    That could work if it was for realtime weather stuff happening outside of the app but I wasn't looking to do anything like that really. Not that kind of waiting! I could just use timers if it was on rotation of weather but I'm still not sure if even that short time of waiting is too much for players.

    then each week with different theme would be awesome

  • Will the player understand that his decision to wait for the correct weather is why he was able to solve a problem?

    You never want the player to think he just got lucky and that's how he solved a problem. In fact, the player may even feel cheated if he believes he didn't solve the problem himself.

  • Excal

    yeah it will be fairly obvious things i hope. certain weather types with certain items in certain places will create events.

  • I think 10 or even 7.5 would be better, personally - it depends on the kind of pace you want to create, though.

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