What window screen size to use for Mobile Phones & Tablets?

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  • How do I know exactly what window screen size to use for mobile phones and tablets/ipads

    I've gone thru the article of Ashely about targeting multiple screen sizes, but I really want to know from our members who successfully exported their games to both android,iPhones/ipad and tablets, what window screen size and other configuration settings they used?

    Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts

  • Here are some lists of mobile devices resolution sizes : http://www.binvisions.com/articles/tablet-smartphone-resolutions-screen-size-list/

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  • How do I know exactly what window screen size to use for mobile phones and tablets/ipads

    I've gone thru the article of Ashely about targeting multiple screen sizes, but I really want to know from our members who successfully exported their games to both android,iPhones/ipad and tablets, what window screen size and other configuration settings they used?

    Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts

    I personnally like a "window size" of 800x600 (since I like 4:3 aspect ratio, and I also find it easier myself to have this size) with scale outer (some games will work better with scale inner though)

    then I design my game to work on other aspect ratios ( a background image that scales to the viewport, using either the anchor behavior or events with the different viewport expressions, changing positions of controls and other things so they feels nice to the player for each aspect ratio)

    To test, I use my browser, and I resize the window so the viewport is changing to see if it adjusts well.

  • I use Scale Outer, 960, 640.

    And scale all background elements by viewport and pin them to corners with anchor.

    Doesnt work for all kind of games though, for my fixed viewport game it works pretty well over all devices (android, pad, iphone, ipad).

  • Kewl

    Thanks Guys!

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