Why the save and load feature is very unstable?

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Template for a generic save / load system, fully documented in comments and video
  • Whether on PC or mobile, the save/load system is really unstable. Sometimes, it saves and loads correctly, sometimes, it saves, and then deleted the load state. Really annoying... Is there any way to save properly?

  • As far as I am aware it works fine. There may be a mistake in your events, sharing your project could help others identify that.

  • As far as I am aware it works fine. There may be a mistake in your events, sharing your project could help others identify that.

    Okay, thanks for the answer!

  • As far as I am aware it works fine. There may be a mistake in your events, sharing your project could help others identify that.

    Ashley Hey. I made a test, the old method(which is there's a button to save and load) is working fine. But the autosave and autoload is no good. What to do?

    I made like this:


    1) Every 0.1 seconds, save it.


    1) On start of layout, load the save.

    It should be doing okay but nope.

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  • Have you looked at Ashley's tutorial here ?



    Saving can take a moment to complete, and the game keeps running in the mean time. Once saving has completed, the System trigger On save complete triggers.

    Similarly loading can take a moment to finish, and triggers On load complete when done. Note any changes made after the Save action, but before On save complete triggers, may still be saved.

    If you try to load from a slot that hasn't been saved to yet, On load failed will trigger.

    Are you checking 'On save complete' ?

  • 1) Every 0.1 seconds, save it.

    There is no reason to do that and it will be very inefficient and have a significant performance impact. The feature is designed for one-off saves. If you provide a project that uses the feature in a reasonable fashion, I can take a look, but otherwise it sounds like it's not working because you're mis-using the feature.

  • > 1) Every 0.1 seconds, save it.


    There is no reason to do that and it will be very inefficient and have a significant performance impact. The feature is designed for one-off saves. If you provide a project that uses the feature in a reasonable fashion, I can take a look, but otherwise it sounds like it's not working because you're mis-using the feature.

    Oh ok, is there ANY way to do autosave? And yes, zenox98 I used the On Save Complete.

  • Most games don't save on a timer because how do you know you haven't saved a moment before the player dies, therefore making their save useless? A more common approach is to use checkpoints.

  • Most games don't save on a timer because how do you know you haven't saved a moment before the player dies, therefore making their save useless? A more common approach is to use checkpoints.

    Okay, thanks for the answer!

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