Will Construct 2 support Nintendo Switch (NX)?

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Switch Trailer ^

    I didn't see Scirra on the Partner List

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  • What are the specs?

  • Hopefully it has an HTML5 framework similar to the WiiU. If they aren't already a partner scirra will probably have to wait for the specs and indie dev policies like the rest of us, though they could probably reach out to them.

  • I am pretty sure Switch will be compatible with Construct 2 . Construct 2 isn't a widely known game engine so that's why we are not on the opening list.

  • It's basically an up-spec Android tablet with physical gamepads.

    ARM-based Tegra SOC, think NVIDIA Shield.

  • It's basically an up-spec Android tablet with physical gamepads.

    ARM-based Tegra SOC, think NVIDIA Shield.

    I for one hope that you are right.

  • It's basically an up-spec Android tablet with physical gamepads.

    ARM-based Tegra SOC, think NVIDIA Shield.

    It's a custom tegra chip. We can only hope that it is of Pascal architecture developed in 14nm. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> Dev kit's were rumored to have an Tegra X processor (probably as a placeholder and the same SoC that is in the Shield TV). Which would be perfect for Construct! I am making a pretty heavy Construct game with tons of 2D objects, about 13 parallax layers and a lot of shaders. It's running at 60fps in 1080p on Tegra X1:

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  • Support for the Switch depends entirely on what its web technology support is like, and so far I am not aware of any information on that subject at all.

  • Nintendo already has the Web Framework and the Switch is a tablet with detachable gamepad. Also Web Technology Corp. (they have some tools for HTML5 content) is present as partner, so I think that it will support HTML5 (in one way or another).

    As you can see, the presented partners are the bigger ones (AAA gaming), they need to make a good first impression. Smaller ones and indies will probably follow some time after launch.

  • I looked in to the "WebTechnology" company and it looks like they are a Japanese company that just does image recompression - nothing much to do with actual web technology as far as I'm concerned, so I wouldn't count on that being a sign of anything...

  • Any updates on this?

  • Snipper Clips, Super Bomberman , I Am Setsuna are all Unity.

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