[WIP] Sword of fireheart - Tactics (Turn-based RPG)

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From the Asset Store
A well commented RPG game template to learn from or use as a base for your own game!
  • Sword of Fireheart - Tactics

    I and a friend decided to create a turn-based tactical game, and as Sword of Fireheart was already created, we decided to opt for recreates it now with this new mechanics, reusing much of the theme and also graphics.

    so far we are creating something simple for testing, but we intend to achieve a multiplayer for computers, and try a greenlight

    I'm updating the devlog always, the link is: http://gillenew.com/sofh-tactics/

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  • You need to use another font and to make controll buttons not so flat.

    I love the animation of characters, interested in all of them - I see that there are a lot of characters in the lower part of the screen ^_^

  • You need to use another font and to make controll buttons not so flat.

    I love the animation of characters, interested in all of them - I see that there are a lot of characters in the lower part of the screen ^_^

    Thank you for your feedback and tip

    I confess that I'm using any font for the text, just to put everything what I need in the code, but so I'll use a sprite font or pixelate font for better fit.

    The buttons I didn't know what was missing, but now that you mentioned I could see, they really are very flat. I will try to give an improved depth x)

    Testing the new movement with pathfinding and also the simple sword attack.

  • UPDATE - 25/01/2016

    This time I’m working on the extra game interaction, I plan to create a story with these balloons later.

  • For the GUI you can find some nice graphics in the scirra store. The game seems to have deep mechanics, I guess it took you quite a lot of time and efforts, keep up the good work, good luck!

  • Very beautiful the baloon that "grow" when the writing appears.

    Is the baloon a sprite wih the 9patch property?

  • For the GUI you can find some nice graphics in the scirra store. The game seems to have deep mechanics, I guess it took you quite a lot of time and efforts, keep up the good work, good luck!

    Thank you.

    The art I like to do by myself, I will improve eventually. I spent about 20 days programming the mechanics on Construct2. (this is by far the most complex mechanics I've ever create, and I haven't done much yet)

    Very beautiful the baloon that "grow" when the writing appears.

    Is the baloon a sprite wih the 9patch property?

    Thank you, all balloon is a set of four objects: 1- 9patch balloon; 2- sprite text box; 3- sprite pin speech balloon; 4- sprite button next text.

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