Advertising on a student license

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  • How would I go about running ads on my game with only a student license?

    I'm open to both in-game solutions within Construct 2 and external solutions to place on my website.

    This game is made for desktop computers, so mobile-only solutions won't work for me.

    Does anyone know what I can do here?

  • What is a student license? As I was aware there are personal licenses and business but that's it.

  • It removes most of the free edition limitations (no event limit), but doesn't allow publishing to desktop or smartphone platforms and doesn't allow advertising plugins.

  • I also have never heard of a student license ans can find no info on it.

    But from what you've said, you have a license that doesn't allow ads, but you want a way to show ads?

    Regardless, your best bet might be to email scirra support.

  • Now I want to know about this student license though. :X

  • "doesn't allow advertising plugins"

    Does that not answer your own question?

  • "doesn't allow advertising plugins"

    Does that not answer your own question?

    ot every advertisement uses plugins. What about placing ads around the page? That is not allowed in the free version, but this so-called "student license" doesn't have any public page for it, so I'm assuming this is all left up to Tom and ASHLEY.

  • Why would they discriminate against just plugins?

    Anyway the standard thing with student licenses is to learn, not to make a profit.

  • Now I want to know about this student license though. :X

    Can go on to have it?

  • Damir007 that would make sense I suppose. My guess is Construct 2's Educational License is installed on a school computer or the like, and MoscowModder is wondering if that can be monetized on. Correct?

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  • I think it best if Tom or Ashley cast their eyes over this.

  • We did distribute some new Student Edition Licenses in a deal with Microsoft a while back. These versions of the licenses are limited on export options.

    Just before people get too excited we no longer distribute Student Licenses, it was a one off with a special deal with Microsoft. We don't currently have any plans to sell Student Licenses.

  • Wow, didn't know they were that rare. As a matter of fact I did get mine from Microsoft.

    Anyway, I still don't know how I'm going to advertise on my page - none of the ad services I looked into seem to support desktop web games.

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